Create an organization and set up your projects

  • Updated

Create and manage an organization

An organization, or a group within Benchling, provides an easy way to share data within your lab and among your lab members. An organization can also be used to share data with students in your lab course.

Follow this tutorial to create an organization for your lab. Once you have created an organization, manage the organization and its members.

If your lab has already created an organization, you can join an existing organization.

Understand projects

Projects provide organization for all of your data in Benchling—notebook entries and sequence files. You can nest folders within projects. Learn more about creating projects and folders:

For tips on how to best structure projects and folders within an organization, we recommend reading the following guides:

Set project permissions

If you are sharing data within an organization, you may want to control who has permissions access to what data. In Benchling, permissions are set at the project level. Learn how to set project collaborators and permissions.

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