Why do my child entities' names have gaps in their lot numbers?

  • Updated


  • Existing child entity names have gaps or discrepancies in their lot numbers
  • When creating a child entity using a name template with the component "Parent lot number: Link field name", the generated name's lot number is not consecutive to previous child entities of that parent
  • In some cases, this error message displays: "The name generated by the template "xxx" is already being used by an existing entity" 


Registering entities in the Registry application or through Registration tables in Notebook entries - all versions and systems


  • Archived child entities with parent links retain their lot number and affect subsequent lot numbering
  • Gaps in lot numbering can be caused by unlinking and/or relinking child entities from their parent entities 

Resolution steps

Release lot numbers for re-use by clearing linked parent fields in archived and unarchived child entity schemas:

  1. Search for archived child entities.
  2. In the child entity schema configuration, uncheck the Parent link field and save the changes, then re-check the Parent link field and save the changes again.
  3. Re-link the incorrectly numbered child entities to their parent entities and update the name(s) manually. Subsequent child entities should obtain names with correct lot numbers. If many entities are affected and retaining Registry IDs is

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