Our team uses a lot of parameter values for each parameter on our shared Insights Dashboard, and we change these values often. Clearing them out one by one is not efficient. Is there a way to quickly clear all the parameter selections we've made?
The 'Clear All Parameters' option is difficult to find.
Resolution steps
-Navigate to the Dashboard page (you know you're viewing the Dashboard if you can see only tables, graphs, and/or charts. If you can see SQL code and the Schema Browser, you're in Edit Mode and need to click the name of the Dashboard in the top left corner, above the 'Run Query' button to return to the Dashboard page).
-Click 'More Options' (button with '...' symbol) in the top right of the dashboard page (above the blue 'Add Block' button). A menu will pop up.
-From the menu, select 'Edit Parameters'. A modal box will appear that will allow you to edit individual parameters.
-At the bottom of the modal, there will be an option to 'Clear All Parameter Values'. Click this option. This will clear all parameter selections. (Note: The parameter configuration will remain unchanged, only the selections will be cleared.)