Why isn't my Benchling keyword printing correctly on my label when there is extra text at the end of the line?

  • Updated


User reports that the Benchling keyword on their label does not work if there is extra text at the end of their keyword. The corresponding value for the keyword seems to disappear on the printed label.

For example, it is not possible to print "benchling.entity.Number of Cells cells", where "Number of Cells" is the name of a metadata field and they want the string " cells" to appear after the metadata field value.


Zebra Printing Language (ZPL)


ZPL does not support adding additional text after the end of a Benchling keyword.

In the above example, ZPL takes this keyword to refer to a metadata field named "Number of cells cells", and when it does not find this field, it does not print a value, making the label appear "broken".

Resolution steps

Text that needs to be added after a Benchling keyword in the same line should be added as a separate text box.

In the above example, the "cells" text needs to be added as an additional text box. This will appear in the ZPL as a separate line with x,y coordinates that position it so that it appears after the "Number of Cells" value. This works best if the Benchling keyword value is going to be a consistent length.

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