Submitting an entry for review prompts the error message: "Please fix entry data with errors before trying again.”
Notebook entries with Results table(s) - all versions and systems
At least one of the entry's structured tables (Registration, Inventory, Results) has errors. Errors can come from:
- Missing required fields
- Incorrect value types, like a text value in a numerical field
- Incorrectly formatted dates
Errors can include:
- Wrong data type, like text in an integer field
- Missing required column. For example, if a required field was added to the schema after the Results table was created
- Entity of the wrong schema entered as the primary sample. This happens when importing via spreadsheet
Fix any flagged fields:
- Find structured tables marked with a triangle flag in the top-right corner.
- Hover over the flag to determine how the cell is in error.
- Make the required fix and resubmit.
If your tenant uses legacy Results tables and no flag displays on the table, review the tables and the schema they come from to determine if any required fields or columns are missing.
Note: The new Results table displays a "Required field not present" message when submitting the Results table, instead of waiting until the entry is sent for review. Benchling can also configure entries so they can't be sent for review until all tables are submitted. To learn more, visit Use a Results table or contact your organization's Benchling admin or Customer Success representative.