What is a Lab Automation run?

  • Updated


A Benchling Lab Automation run is an action performed through an assay instrument, robot, or software analysis pipeline. For example, runs can be used to model NGS sequencing runs, flow cytometry experiments, or liquid handling methods. Runs are utilized within Notebook entries to allow a seamless flow of structured data throughout an experiment. Additionally, a Lab Automation run may be used to improve the user experience by automating or increasing throughput of certain tasks.

Similar to how Registry, Inventory, Results and Requests utilize schemas for structured data capture, Lab Automation uses run schemas. A run schema defines the metadata that will be tracked on a run. This metadata may include fields for attaching raw instrument output files, or other parameters to instruct the instrument. Run schemas are able to be created by registry  admins.

The information logged and captured within a run allows users to create instrument input files, collect instrument output files to be processed by Benchling, and interact with the Registry and Inventory to create and update data. In the example below, the purpose of this run is to transfer a specified  volume from a source plate to a destination plate. 


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