Note: We're continually improving the Benchling platform to ensure it keeps up with our customers' needs. As of September 29, 2021, we replaced Workflows with an updated version. If you are currently using this version of Workflows and want to learn more, contact your Account Manager. If you are new to Workflows, visit Workflows overview.
This tutorial covers execution of a workflow. If you would like to configure a workflow first, please refer to the How to Configure a Workflow article.
Workflows in Benchling allow you to seamlessly track your samples as inputs and outputs between stages of your workflow to better understand how they are transformed throughout experimental studies.
For this tutorial, we will use this workflow below with six stages and two branches (representing two experimental conditions):

See inputs added by default to the input table
Once you have configured your workflow, select the workflow from the workflow module that you would like to work on.

If you have not yet started your workflow, you will have the option of adding Workflow Inputs. These input samples will automatically be added by default into your in input table.

Add new inputs
There are three ways to add new inputs:
From a previous stage
From an external source
Bulk Upload (via spreadsheet)
In the workflow stage entry you want to add an input sample, click the “+” button next to input samples for the workflow step - then click the “Add Input Sample” option.

You will see an input menu show up. Here you can select the stage run you would like to add an input sample to and select the entity you want to add.
Here, you can choose whether the new input is from (1) the output of a previous run (if applicable), or (2) an external source.

Add inputs in bulk
Benchling also allows functionality for bulk import (via spreadsheet upload) or removal of inputs.
To add inputs via a spreadsheet, click the “+” button next to input samples for the workflow step you are working on. Then click on “Import from Spreadsheet”.

Sort the input table
You can sort the input table by selecting the Sort Icon on any applicable columns in the Input Sample Table

Add new stage runs or splitting by inputs
Please see the relevant sections of our Configure a Workflow guide.