Registering entities using Registration tables

  • Updated

This article describes the features and functionalities of Registration tables. Registration tables provide a clear record of registration within a Notebook entry and make it easy to input registered entities into transfer and result tables using the 'add from structured table' feature.

Note: You can read about the historical Registration table here.

Select a mode during insertion

Use the insert menu on the notebook entry toolbar to insert a new Registration table. 

You will be prompted to select between two options:

  • Create new entities: use this mode to create new, registered entities.

  • Register existing entities: use this mode to register existing, unregistered entities.

After selecting a Registry schema, you will have to select a Folder where your entities will live. You can either choose "Entry's project folder" which is the default selection or you can also choose to not place them in any folder. Then, you will see a preview of the table before you insert it. You Use this to confirm you've made the right selection. 

Registering entities in the Registration table

Enter information into the rows of the Registration table: each row corresponds to one entity. The columns of the table are defined by the Registry configuration

The Registration table has a Submit button which is used to commit entities in the table to the Registry. You will notice a blue bar in the row on the leftmost side of the table. This bar indicates that the row has additions/modifications that have not been submitted. 

Adding more rows to the table

You can add blank rows to the Registration table by double clicking on the three lines in the bottom left corner of the table, or by dragging the icon down.

The Registration table supports a more structured way of adding existing entities from tables, spreadsheets or worklists. Select the blue plus icon and choose an option. You will indicate:

  • Destination column: the column where you want to add entities.

  • Source table/Worklist: the name of the source table (a Registration table or request input table on the same entry) or the name of the entity worklist.

  • Source column: the name of the source column, when adding from a table.

  • Number of samples: indicate the number you'd like to add, per entity (this can be bulk set using the pencil icon).

Entities are added to the table in the first empty cell in the destination column. Entities added to different columns will fill the same rows, if those cells don't yet have values. 

You can find a spreadsheet importer in the same menu to make bulk additions to the table.

Note: When importing entities in bulk, the order in which they are created may not follow the order of your spreadsheet. This is due to Benchling's performance optimizations that may parallelize the creation process. For consistent naming, consider using a naming template with renaming options upon registration.

Benchling supports ingestion of localized numbers and dates. You can configure your Locale in the user settings. To learn more, visit Updating user locale

Tip: It's easy to make child entities by adding from the "parent" Registration table to the "child" Registration table.

Modifying data after registration 

After registering entities in the table, you can modify values of fields in the columns and re-submit to update the values in the Registry. This allows you to correct mistakes or update the entities with newer information. 

Tip: You can both register new entities (in new rows) and update entities (in existing rows) at the same time.

Updates to entities outside of the table

When an entity is updated in the Registry, field values in the table will not change. This ensures that information you recorded in the entry doesn't change without you knowing. The table will display a purple indicator in any cell that has a newer value which is not yet reflected in the table.  

You can press the refresh button to display the current values in the table. You can reset the entry version if you wish to return to the prior state after a refresh. 

Find the entry where an entity was registered 

The registration table will create a link to the entry in the relevant items section of the entity. This includes entities that were registered in the table as well as entities that were linked as fields in the table. 

Discover the Registration table's options

  • Expanded view: expand the table to full view

  • Add from sources: add entities from another table or from a worklist

  • Outdated value: the value in this cell has been updated in the Registry

  • Refresh: refresh the table to show the most recent values

  • Submit: submit rows in the table for registration and/or modification

  • Collapse: hide the rows of the table

  • Drag to add row: drag down to add empty rows to the table

  • Un-submitted change: this row has un-submitted additions or modifications

  • Illegal/required value: this cell has an illegal value (i.e. letters in a number field) or a missing required value

  • Settings: edit name and Registry ID settings

  • Add to worklist: add the entities listed in the table to a worklist

  • Create Request: create a request with the entities in the leftmost column

  • Download as CSV: download the table as a CSV

  • Print Barcodes: print barcodes for these entities, if enabled


Can I edit any entity in this table?

You can only edit entities that were registered in the table. You cannot add an existing, registered entity to a Registration table to perform edits. If you wish to make edits to entities outside of the registration table, please do so on the entity metadata tab or via the spreadsheet import modal ("Update entities" under the Registry).

Can rows automatically be added to a table from another table?

Yes, using the 'add from structured table feature' seen when the blue plus is selected. 

Can I use the Registration table to "look up" information about existing, registered entities?

You cannot add existing, registered entities to the Registration table. 

Can multiple users use the same Registration table to register new entities?

This is possible as long as the users have the correct permission level to edit the notebook entry containing the Registration table.

Can I tell if an entity was registered in a notebook versus using the global create "+" button?

Yes, using the registration_origin table in a SQL query; entities registered within a notebook will have an origin_entry_id, while a null in this field signifies registration via the global create "+" button.

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