In order to execute a hotkey shortcut, simply hold down (CTRL) on a PC or (COMMAND ⌘) on a Mac, followed by pressing one of the letters below.
These shortcuts can be used in the Notebook Notes section or the Description tab of entities.
Manipulate text
CTRL/⌘+A: Select all. Select an entire line of text in an entry or an entire DNA/AA sequence.
CTRL/⌘+C: Copy. Copy selected text or selected AA or DNA sequences.
CTRL/⌘+V: Paste. Paste selected text or selected AA or DNA sequences.
CTRL/⌘+X: Cut. Cut selected text or AA/DNA sequences. Use this to move files around in the Notebook.
* + SPACE KEY. Create a bullet point in your notebook entry.
- 1. + SPACE KEY. Create a numbered list in your notebook entry.
- [] + SPACE KEY. Create a checkbox in your notebook entry.
Tab. Indent a created bullet, number, or checkbox in your notebook entry.
Shift Tab. Outdent a created bullet, number, or checkbox in your notebook entry.
Format text
- CTRL+`: Header. Change the header size.
CTRL/⌘+B: Bold. Bold the highlighted text in an entry.
CTRL/⌘+I: Italics. Italicize highlighted text in an entry.
CTRL/⌘+K: Hyperlink. Insert a hyperlink within selected text in an entry.
CTRL/⌘+U: Underline. Underline selected text.
Search text
CTRL/⌘+F: Find. Open the find box.
Undo an action
- CTRL/⌘+Z: Undo. Undo the last action performed in an entry or DNA or AA sequence.
CTRL/⌘+SHIFT+Z: Redo the last action. Redo actions performed in any entry or DNA or AA sequence.
Mac-specific symbol hotkeys
Option+Shift+8/Option+0: °
Option+J: ∆
Option+M: µ
Molecular Biology
These shortcuts are specific to the molecular biology suite.
CTRL/⌘+SHIFT+C when selecting DNA bases: Copy Special. Copy reverse complements and translations.
CTRL/⌘+F to search for DNA bases, annotations, or primers.
CTRL/⌘+SHIFT+F to search for AA bases and annotations.
CTRL/⌘+I to invert the selection.
CTRL/⌘+G to open the search box in “Go to Base” mode on a sequence map
These shortcuts work in our Insights SQL editor and if relevant also in the JSON schema editors. Other shortcuts that may work can be found here.
- CTRL/⌘+Enter to run the query or selected code.
- CTRL/⌘+/ to comment out or uncomment SQL code.
- CTRL+U to make selected code uppercase.
- CTRL+SHIFT+U to make selected code lowercase.
- CTRL/⌘+F to search (and replace) code.
- CTRL/⌘+Z to undo the last action.
CTRL/⌘+SHIFT+Z or CTRL/⌘+Y to redo the last action.