Note: We're continually improving the Benchling platform to ensure it keeps up with our customers' needs. As of September 29, 2021, we replaced Workflows with an updated version. If you are currently using this version of Workflows and want to learn more, contact your Account Manager. If you are new to Workflows, visit Workflows overview.
This tutorial covers execution of a workflow. If you would like to configure a workflow first, please refer to the Configure a Workflow article.
Registration tables allow you to register the entities you create during your workflow directly within your workflow entries.
Fill out a Registration table
When you first see a Registration table, your template may include Lookup fields. If these are not updated or show “#N/A” - click the refresh button on the upper-right side of the lookup table.
Within the registration table, you can fill out each row in the table as if you were filling out metadata fields for each entity. Similar to data fields in the registry, each cell can be filled out by:
Links (Entry Link, Schema Link, or Translation Link)
Text Input
Field Lookups
You can also copy and paste values from other tables.
Errors (including cells representing required fields) are marked with a red indicator in the corner of the cell - indicating that they must be filled out or corrected before you may register your entities.
Columns may be hidden by right clicking on the column header and selecting “Delete Column”. If you delete a row, you may later re-add it by right clicking a column header and selecting “Add column left/right”.
Stage run column
You may notice that there is a “Stage Run” column in the data registration table.
Add and remove rows in the registration table
There are two ways to add new rows (representing additional entities to be registered) to the registration table:
Add individual rows to the registration table
Upload rows in bulk (via spreadsheet upload)
Add individual rows to the Registration table
In the registration table where you wish you add a row, click the “+” button - then click the “Add Row” option.
Add new rows in bulk (via spreadsheet upload)
Benchling also allows functionality for bulk import to the registration table (via spreadsheet upload).
To add rows via a spreadsheet, click the “+” button next to input samples for the workflow step you are working on - then click on “Import from Spreadsheet”.
You will then see a window that will allow you to (1) Set the schema for uploaded information, (2) Choose to create new entities or update existing ones, and (3) create containers.
When you select “Next”, you will then see a window that will allow you to import from either a (1) spreadsheet or (2) raw text input.
For a spreadsheet upload, the first row should specify column headers, which must be unique. Each row after that should specify an input sample. Each column must represent a field in your input sample table.
For a raw text upload, enter comma- or tab-separated text in the box that appears. Pasting from Excel is supported. The first row should specify column headers, which must be unique. Each row after that should specify an input sample. Each column must represent a field in your input sample table.
Remove rows
To remove rows, simply select the items you wish to remove and select the Delete Icon.
Add a registration table to an entry
To add a registration table to a stage entry, click the Insert button → then click on Registration Table.
You will then reach a screen that will allow you to configure the type of Registration table you wish to create, then select your schema.
Available naming formats (Name and Registry ID Settings) will show up as a drop-down menu. Select your desired format and click Insert.