Follow Centrify's instructions to add a custom SAML application.
Under Identity Provider Configuration and Metadata, copy the URL - this is your metadata URL that you'll need to send over to Benchling.
Under Service Provider Configuration, select Manual Configuration. You'll need the following information (replace "YOURDOMAIN" with your subdomain):
SP Entity ID/ Issuer /Audience:
Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL:
Recipient Same as ACS URL: leave checked
Sign Response or Assertion: select Response
<NameID> Format: unspecified
Encrypt SAML Response Assertion: leave unchecked
Relay State: leave empty
Authentication Context Class: unspecified
On the SAML Response page, in the Attributes section, add the following attributes (Attribute Name as Attribute Value shown below):
firstName as LoginUser.FirstName
lastName as LoginUser.LastName
email as LoginUser.Email
Once configured, return to and continue from Step 2.