Technical Release Notes: May 5th, 2020

  • Updated

Release of Benchling Insights

Benchling Insights is a new solution for life science R&D companies to make faster, more informed decisions from their data. Insights is seamlessly integrated with all Benchling applications, and enables users to query, visualize, and collaborate around high quality, structured data that resides on the platform. Benchling Insights includes:

  • Collaborative dashboards and reports to share key scientific, operational, and administrative metrics

  • Visualizations through a variety of formats including table, bar, line, and scatter charts

  • Built-in SQL query editor for advanced analytics that address questions unique to your scientific workflows

See more and sign up for an upcoming webinar:

Requests of the same schema can be bulk assigned or re-assigned

Users can now select multiple requests of the same schema and reassign them to a new user in-bulk. The request assignee can be designated as a single user or multiple users.

Result output files are supported by lab automation

Files containing results related to inventory barcodes (i.e. plates, containers) are supported along with entities. To support result ingestion, additional configuration options have been added to the Output File Config.

Updates to lab automation configuration

Contact your CX representative for additional documentation.

  • Source plate contents can be transferred into destination plates that have existing contents, thus creating a new entity in the destination plates

  • Input File Config: The “CONSTANT” lookup step allows users to enter a constant value for the input file or number of replicates

  • Input File Config: Within the “WELLS” lookup step, “skipRows” and “skipColumns” fill directions allow users to stamp different format plates, skipping or interlacing wells

  • Input File Config: Schema fields can be looked up from plates by using the lookup step “SCHEMA_FIELD”

  • Input File Config: The “CONTENTS” lookup step can filter wells without contents from any series of steps by using shouldSkipEmptyContents

The registration table can add entities to rows through unified add samples

A registration table can add entities in three ways:

  • structured table: add from another registration table or the request fulfillment table on the same entrydestination column: the samples can be added to the primary entity column or an entity-link schema field columnsource table: select the source table (registration table or request fulfillment table)source column: a column in the table with a matching schema or schema type (i.e. to fill a plasmid destination column, the source column must be a plasmid).number of samples: we support adding a variable number on a per-source-sample basis, including bulk-set

  • worklist: add from an entity worklistthe worklist must be an entity worklist in the registration table

  • spreadsheet: add from a spreadsheet


The registration table add sources menu filters invalid source table and column options based on the destination column

The new registration tables allow users to add entities in the metadata from other structured tables. When the user chooses to add from a structured table and sets a specific destination, the resulting menu will only display options based on where you’ve set the destination.

See this help article for new information on the new registration table.

Notebook images can be copied to the system clipboard and pasted in other programs via right+click

Images in the Benchling notebook can now be copied using right click and pasted into any third party program.

Barcodes in the plate creation table show a red-dog ear if they are required by the mode

The plate creation tool provides an easy to use UI to create multiple plates and scan existing plate barcodes into the table. When a barcode is required for creation, a red-dog ear tag will appear in the top-right corner of the cell.

The workflow input table contains an export to CSV button

Users can now download their workflow input samples to a CSV. The resulting CSV will have column information about the Sample ID, Container, and Stage Run.

Worklists are now re-orderable

Users can now arrange the order of their worklists and as a result, the order in which they can be added to structured tables. Items can be rearranged by dragging the item tile in the user-desired order.

API now supports searching for containers based on multiple potential contents

Using the API, users can search containers, plates, and boxes for specific contents. While this is already possible in the UI, this feature is now available using the Benchling API.

Added API endpoint for auto-fill translations

Much like translations can be auto-filled using the UI, a new API endpoint has been added to help automate the process of filling translation links by discovering registered AA sequences of the schema specified in the Translation Link that can be validly created off one of the 6 reading frames of the DNA sequence you are Auto-Filling.

See this help article for more information about auto-filling translations.

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