To change your organization's settings, click your profile in the bottom left corner, and then select your organization’s name.
Add and remove members
Click on your organization’s “Members” tab. There, you can remove members, and add new members:
To add a member to the organization, you can either use their Benchling username or their email address. If you add their Benchling username, they will be automatically added to the organization and can begin collaborating with you. If you enter their email, the user will be emailed a link to register, and will be automatically added to the organization upon registering.

An admin may remove a member by clicking the "trash icon" when highlighting over a user in this tab.
Manage members' roles
On your organization’s “Members” tab, you can also choose new roles for members of your organization. For example, you can designate other admins.
Manage organization settings
On your organization’s “Settings” tab, you can edit your organization’s information, including its name, export the organization’s data, or delete the organization. To change the organization handle, please contact Benchling directly.