Embedding Insights dashboards into the registry

  • Updated

You can embed dashboards in the Registry to view results about individual entities without navigating away from the Registry. After an Insights dashboard is configured, you can add parameters to display it in the Registry as a Dashboard tab on the entity. Dashboards are dynamically updated with any new results related to that entity.

Note: This feature is enabled automatically on tenants with Registry and Insights.

Embed an Insights dashboard

Before embedding a dashboard, create a new dashboard in the Insights application or use an existing dashboard. For most optimal use, add a parameter to the dashboard which allows you to filter down the results to a specific entity of the schema you wish to embed the dashboard on.


To embed the dashboard:

  1. In the entity schema page, click + at the top of the Dashboard section.

    • If the dashboard is new and the option to add a dashboard does not display, refresh the page.

  2. Enter the parameter information.

    • If a parameter is of the same type as the entity schema, you can check Set parameter to entity being viewed to automatically fill out this parameter with the entity the user has open.
    • For other parameters, you can type in a default value if desired
  3. Click Save.



After the configuration, an extra Dashboard tab will be available when opening an entity of this schema. This allows you to easily see the dashboard for this specific entity, without having to navigate out of the Registry.


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