Technical Release Notes: February 11, 2020

  • Updated

Performance improvements when registering an entity with unique constraints

Application of constraints in the registry ensures uniqueness between different entities of the same schema. Registration of these entities are now dramatically faster, especially when there are link fields in the constraint.

Archive a registry schema without needing to archive its existing entities

Schemas can now be archived so that users don't need to delete all existing entities of historic data. To archive a schema, navigate to the registry settings, hover over the schema you wish to archive, click on the red archive button, and select the reason for archival.

Starred projects filter in projects listing

Starred projects are now listed in listed as a unique filter in the project listing dropdown menu. This filter is located in the dropdown underneath the Projects search bar

“My projects” & “Shared with me” filters are now hidden if they are empty

“My projects” & “Shared with Me” filters are no longer displayed if users do not have projects in those categories.

Increased number of users displayed in the Tenant Admin Console

In the Tenant Admin Console, the users page now displays 100 users, instead of only 50 users. Note that this display number is not user-configurable. Access the Tenant Admin Console by clicking on your avatar icon on the bottom of the side-panel. There, you'll see a link to the Tenant Admin Console.  

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