Search the Registry

  • Updated

In order to access the Registry search, navigate to the Registry using the navigation bar on the left and click on the search bar located at the top of the side panel within the Registry. Typing text into the search bar will pull entities from the Registry that contain matching values.

To sort the results of a search, select the Sort tab located below the search bar. Here you can sort your search in multiple ways, including alphabetical order and date modified. From the Sort tab you can also modify the amount of results visible per page, with up to 1000 entities per page.

Adding filters to your search

Within the Registry search you have the option to filter the search by entity type, to do this select the Type tab located under the search bar and select the schema of interest from the entity dropdown list.

To add extra filters to your search, click on the Filters tab and select Add Filter. From here, you can access a variety of filtering options including filtering by date created, author, archived status, etc.

Expanding the Registry search

The Registry search is most powerful when accessed via the expanded view. To do so, click on the Expand icon at the top of the Registry tab during a search. A more detailed view of each registered entity including the associated schema fields will now be visible.

To export Registry ID’s or fields in bulk select the entities to be exported and navigate to the Export tab located in the expanded view tool bar located above the search results and select Export Selected Items. Selecting Copy Registry IDs adds the selected Registry IDs to your clipboard allowing you to paste them into any spreadsheet or editor quickly and easily.

Tip: In the expanded view you can order the search results based on a particular value. This is toggled by selecting the Arrow icon next to the column you want to order the results against.


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