For larger volumes of Registry data, you can streamline this process via a bulk spreadsheet import.
Utilize a spreadsheet template to curate your data and import into the Registry:
Curate your spreadsheet
Using a spreadsheet template from Benchling
Navigate to the personal avatar > Feature Settings > Registry Settings. Select the particular Registry schema you would like to import data into. On the schema settings page, select Export > Spreadsheet template. This will export a pre-formatted template which you can use to copy and paste in your data! Note that the applicable dropdown options will be configured in this spreadsheet template as well.
Using your own spreadsheet
If you would prefer to create your own spreadsheet, please follow these guidelines. The first row should specify column headers, which must be unique.
Mandatory Columns
Entity Name
One column for each required Schema Field
Optional Columns
One column for each non-required Schema Field
Sequence (for plasmids / amino acid sequences)
Each row in your spreadsheet corresponds to one registry item in Benchling.
Clean up your data
Before importing your existing data, you’ll need to quickly clean up your spreadsheets.
Ensure all dropdown field values are among the allowed set in Benchling.
Ensure any entity link values are exactly the same as they are in Benchling. Tip: Using Registry IDs of linked items can be easier.
Ensure any date values are in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Multiple values in a cell should be separated by a comma (,)
Import spreadsheets
Now you’re ready to import your spreadsheets.
To import files, select the registry button (9 dots) from the left navigation panel. Then, click Import Entities.
In the new window, select the schema (e.g. Cell Line) and registry for your import. You may also designate a folder. Click Next when complete.
To start the import, you may either drag in your Excel file or simply copy and paste your entire spreadsheet (including headers!). Then click Next.
Assign a type for each column in your sheet. The importer will parse through your sheet and import each column. You have 6 types to choose from:
Entity Name: ID of the file. Each sample must have a unique name.
Alias: If your lab uses multiple names for an entity, use this type. The file’s alias can be found via search queries
Schema Field: Required metadata for a file. Hover over the Schema Field type and select the specific schema field that this column represents. Note: The options in the Schema Field dropdown correspond to the Schema Fields in the Registry settings.
Custom Field: Optional metadata for a file. Some entities in your inventory may have extra columns that are not crucial for tracking, but still need to be associated with a file.
Description: Fields from this column go into the description tab of file.
Ignore: The Benchling importer will ignore this column.
Bases: This example describes importing files from a custom inventory-type schema. If importing files from a sequence-type schema, the Column Type of “Bases” must be specified. The bases will be used to generate sequence files for each imported entry.
Import columns as file links to access plasmid maps and lineages. Select the appropriate schema field and specify all folders to search for links. Note that the spreadsheet importer will select your Registry as the default location to search.
Click Next and Benchling will check for any errors. If no errors are detected, click Import to import your inventory into your Registry.
Is there a maximum limit to the number of entities that can be bulk imported?
There is a limit of creating 5k entities AND containers. This means if you are registering entities and transferring them into containers at the same time (e.g. has 'Transfer entities to new or existing containers' checked during import), the limit would be 2.5k spreadsheet rows (entity + container creation). Please be mindful that Benchling's performance may be dependent on the complexity and the volume of this entity import.