Technical Release Notes: December 15th, 2019

  • Updated

Searching for 1+ Character Names

The global search tool on the main navigational toolbar now accepts searching for names that consist of 1 character or more. Please note that searches under 3 characters will only return exact matches.




Bases in Oligo Registration Tables

Registration tables for Oligo schema types now include a space for recording sequences, within the new column “Bases”.


Aligned rounding behavior

The precision settings in Benchling tables now round. This is also the behavior used by the ROUND() function in Benchling tables.










Copying Protein Sequence Alignments

When copying a protein sequence, any alignments saved to the sequence will also be copied. This can be done by locating the sequence of interest in Benchling Projects or the Registry, right-clicking on the sequence identifier, and selecting “Copy to...” from the resulting dropdown. After choosing a location to copy into, both the sequence and its alignments will be in the generated duplicate.


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