Explore the Metadata Tab

  • Updated

Each entity in a project (e.g. notebook entry, DNA sequence) has an associated Metadata tab with additional information about the entity's creation and ownership. To navigate to Metadata, open an entity in the workspace and click on the "Metadata" subtab at the top of the page.


From this view, you can view:

  • Authors

  • Location in Benchling

  • Entity ID

  • Creation Date and Time

  • The relevant items list, showing where the entity is @-mentioned or otherwise referenced in Benchling

Additionally, you can view and/or edit:

  • The associated schema (relevant for Registry)*

  • Custom Fields that can hold additional information about the entity

In the top right of the window, you will see buttons that will allow you to move the entity, add the entity to a worklist, or archive the entity. For items in your folder that are not protocols or notebook entries, such as DNA or AA sequences, you may also register the entity, export the sequence file, or export an audit log.


*The Registry is a feature exclusive to the Benchling Enterprise offering

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