When importing large volumes of Registry data it can be much easier to do so via a spreadsheet.
Benchling has the ability to auto-generate a spreadsheet template that can be used to fill out required data for a given schema. The spreadsheet can be generated at any time and will always contain the latest schema information.
Follow these steps to create a Schema Spreadsheet Template:
Click your avatar in the bottom-left corner.
Select Feature Settings, then select Registry Settings.
On the Entity Schemas Page, select your schema.
Click Export in the top-right corner and select Spreadsheet template.
Completing the Spreadsheet
After downloading your Schema Spreadsheet, complete the metadata needed to upload the new entities.
All dropdown menus will be listed in the columns that contain dropdown fields. A separate tab will also be present on the spreadsheet that contains all dropdown options for that schema.
Uploading the Spreadsheet
When you're ready to upload your spreadsheet for entity import, ensure all required fields are completed and all data looks accurate. Benchling will flag any missing fields for correction before final upload.