All sample entities must be stored in a container. This article explains creating and filling containers using spreadsheets.
Getting started
Before creating containers, you must create a Container schema.
Create a container
First create empty containers and assign these containers to a specific location. To create a container:
- Click the freezer icon to open the Inventory application.
- Click +.
- Under Container, select Import Containers.
- Select the Container schema to import and the project it will live in.
If a project isn't selected, then the storage items default to the same permissions as its registry.
- Select Spreadsheet from the Import from drop-down menu.
- Click Choose File and select the file to upload, then click Next.
- Confirm the column names and click Next.
- Resolve any errors and click Import.
The spreadsheet should contain:
A column for the Box (or Location) barcode where the containers should be stored (Column Type = Location Barcode).
A column for the position (e.g. A1, A2, and etc.) within the Box where the container should occupy (Column Type = Location Position).
Fill containers
You can fill empty containers with registered samples using a spreadsheet.
To fill containers:
- Click the freezer icon to open the Inventory application.
- Click + and select Import Transfer Data.
- Open the spreadsheet with the registered entity information
The spreadsheet should contain these fields (see example below):
The ID of the entity that will be transferred into the container.
The quantity AND quantity units of the entity to be transferred.
The concentration AND concentration units of the entity to be transferred.
The barcode of the destination container.
4. Copy the information into the data importer and press Next.
5. Verify the column names and column types match.
6. Press Next to transfer sample entities into their containers.
To look up sample information, click into the wells of the box, then click the highlighted container.