Boxes and plates can be configured to match the sizes and types that you actually use in your labs. Some box and plate types you can configure include:
9x9 box
10x10 box
96-well plate
Configure box schemas
Box schemas are used to describe any type of rectangular storage box.
Navigate to the Box Schemas tab in the Registry Settings.
Specify a prefix and name for the box type. You may also specify additional metadata fields (box fields) if desired.
If you want the box to be restricted to a certain container type, you may specify that the box can only hold a specific container schema (e.g. cryovials). If you want your boxes to be container agnostic, do not select a container type in the dropdown menu.
Select Create to complete the schema configuration.

Configure plate schemas
Plates schemas describe any plate-based inventory item (ex. micro-plates, cell-culture plates, and etc.).
Note: To use plate schemas, you will need to configure a Well or Matrix Vial Container Schema in the Container Schema Configuration page.
Navigate to the Plate Schemas tab in the Registry Settings.
Specify a prefix and name for the box type. You may also specify additional metadata fields (plate fields) if desired.
In the container schema dropdown, specify either the Well or the Matrix Vial container option for Fixed or Matrix Plates, respectively.
Select Create to complete the schema configuration.