Technical Release Notes: May 29th, 2020

  • Updated


Insights to worklists is now supported

Within the Insights tool, users are now able to add entities to a worklist for use throughout the Benchling platform.



Added button to swap columns used for graphs on analytics blocks

A button has now been added to analytics blocks within the Insights tool to allow users to swap columns used for graphs.



Added dropdown and dropdown options tables to warehouse

The dropdown table and dropdown options table are now added to the warehouse and accessible by users.


Insights bug fixes

The following bugs were fixed for the Insights Tool:

  • Charts no longer continuously resize horizontally with certain charts and screen sizes

  • Renaming parameter to empty string no longer crashes

  • String continuous categorical data sorts as intended

  • Schema browser crashes for signed-out users

Copy-Special option for copying RNA and Reverse Complement RNA equivalents from DNA sequences

There is now a copy-special option available for copying RNA and reverse complement RNA equivalents from DNA sequences available in the Molecular Biology suite.


Molecular Biology bug fixes

The following bug was fixed for the Molecular Biology tool:

  • Fixed an issue causing bases to be input backward in the primer wizard

Mixtures Beta release

Mixtures are a new entity type in the Beta release. Mixtures are solutions comprised of multiple ingredients where the exact quantities of each ingredient are important to track. Similar to DNA, AA, and Oligos, Mixtures have user definable schema fields, specialized data unique to entity type, and small molecule and RNA are future examples. Mixtures will be represented through mixture data and schema fields (see example below).


Registry ID and Name displayed on entity chips

The Registry ID and Name of the entity can now be selected as an option as displayed on the entity chips. When this option is selected, both Registry ID and Name will be displayed.



Processing step added for multi-line headers

For Lab Automation, a processing step has been added for multi-line headers. For more information about Lab Automation contact your Customer Support representative.


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