Executing flowchart workflow tasks

  • Updated

After creating a flowchart Task schema, users with appropriate permissions can create and execute flowchart tasks and task groups using the flowchart visualization or Workflows dashboard. Accessing tasks in the dashboard enables you to assign different tasks to different users or teams and enables users to complete them asynchronously.

This article explains how the flowchart visualization tool works and how to execute tasks and update task statuses within a flowchart.

To create flowchart task groups, visit Creating task groups.

Getting started

Before executing a task, ensure you have Write permissions in the folder or project the flowchart task group is associated with.

Flowchart visualization

Flowchart task groups open automatically after creation. They are identical to regular task groups, except the window is split with the Task Group tab displayed on the left and the flowchart visualization displayed on the right. This view displays each node, or step, in the flowchart so you can quickly determine the status of the overall workflow.


In the image below, data entered into the Tasks table is already mapped to the next node in the flowchart, which is also the first user-configured Task schema in line. An empty circle icon on the second node of the flowchart view indicates there is a pending task in this task group.


Execute a flowchart workflow

Before executing the workflow, add any remaining data in the flowchart’s task metadata. You can edit the Tasks table, like adding rows for more tasks, before executing the next task.

Samples from the flowchart’s Tasks table display as Pending in the succeeding tasks’ node.

To execute a flowchart workflow in the visualization:

  1. Click the second node of the flowchart to open the first executable task group in a separate tab of your workspace.
  2. Execute pending tasks in the task group and make any edits to the Tasks table, like adding assignees. This automatically sends the output data to the next node, based on the Task schema’s mapping.
    • The task must have a Completed status; a failed task’s progress through the flowchart will be halted and no data is mapped downstream.
  3. Using this information, execute all tasks within the task groups. The Outputs node populates with mapped data after at least one task from the final task group is executed and completed.
    • Clicking on the Outputs node returns you to the flowchart’s task group’s page, where you can view all completed tasks in the flowchart and their associated outputs.
    • The flowchart visualization displays all task statuses within each node.


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