Updating templates and structured tables relevant to schemas

  • Updated

After updating a schema, users can view the templates that are relevant to a specific Result or Entity schema in the Relevant Templates tab. Use this page to determine templates that may require an update to a structured table or lookup function after an update is applied to a Result or Entity schema. This article explains what relevant templates are, who can view them, and where.

Note: At this time, the Relevant Templates tab only applies to Entity and Result schemas.

What is a relevant template?

A template is relevant to a schema if the template depends on the way a schema is configured. As a result, the template must contain at least one of the following:

  • Registration table for the schema

  • Results table for the schema

  • Structured table with a lookup column that references a field on the schema

An entity link field in a structured table is not considered relevant to the Entity schema because the field isn’t dependent on the schema’s configuration.

In the Transfection Template’s Registration table below, the schema named Plasmid Lot has an entity link to the schema named Plasmid. If the Thaw Date field is archived from the Plasmid Lot schema, an admin must delete the column from the table.

If a field is archived from the Plasmid schema, no change is required on the table. So, the Transfection Template is relevant to the Plasmid Lot schema and not the Plasmid schema.



You can access the Relevant Templates tabs of Result and Entity schemas you have permissions on. In the tab itself, you can view the templates you have Read or Write permissions on.

If you don’t have permissions to a relevant template, a banner at the bottom of the page indicates how many templates you don’t have access to and provides a link to the Members tab on the relevant Organization page to help you determine the org admins they can contact about updating the templates.


Using the Relevant Templates tab

The Relevant Templates tab provides a list of templates related to the schema and useful information about the templates that are applicable to the schema update. Use the table below to view each column in the Relevant Templates tab and its purpose.



Relevant templates

The name of and link to the relevant template(s) that might need updating


The name of the template collection the template is stored in

Last modified

The date and time the template was last modified

Relevant tables

The name(s) of the structured table(s) that might need updating

From the tab, you can:

  • Search for templates using the search bar at the top of the tab

  • Click the template link to go to the template’s configuration page where you can update the relevant table(s) accordingly

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