Cytiva, Unicorn Configuration Guide

  • Updated


To provide details about the necessary steps to implement the Unicorn software connector for use with the Benchling Connect platform.



The Unicorn software connector is a component used in the context of the Benchling Connect platform to parse data from Cytiva HPLC systems running Unicorn software to an Allotrope Simple Model (ASM) and make that data available within the Benchling UI in the context of a Run.

The Benchling Connect Unicorn software connector is a ‘file-based’ connector, meaning that it processes “.zip” exports generated by Unicorn software. The data within the zip file export is then accessed by Benchling Connect through the use of a ‘watched’ file directory on the local computer hosting a Benchling Gateway, which has been configured via a Connection from within Benchling.

To successfully implement the Unicorn software connector for use with the Benchling platform, there are several steps that need to be followed across both the Unicorn Connector and Benchling user interfaces. 

This guide details the steps to be taken in both applications in order to configure the integration. 


Steps within Unicorn Connect Adapter

From within the Unicorn Connect Adapter, a user must:

  1. First, ensure that the x-axis of the chromatograms is set to retention time, not retention volume (see note about limitations below).
  2. A user must make sure the following fields are filled out in Unicorn software, as the connector will expect the information:
      • Sample ID
      • Column Serial Number
      • Instrument Configuration Description
  1. Configure a .zip file export from within the Unicorn software.
      • In Unicorn, find the Results Navigator
      • Select File→ Export → To Unicorn→ Entire Result(s)
          • Note: Selecting Entire Result(s) ensures that all curves and metadata is captured
      • Select an appropriate location to save the .zip file
      • Finally, ensure that the file is placed in the Benchling watched directory.

Image 1: Exporting a zip file from Unicorn 

Image 2: Saving the zip file locally 

Zip File Export Check:

For trouble shooting purposes, a user can save a copy of the .zip file locally, unpack the file, and inspect the contents.

  • To unzip the file on a Windows computer, right click the .zip file and select “Extract”.
  • To unzip the file on a Mac computer, double click the .zip file.

The unzipped file should contain 40+ files made up of a mix of .xml files and additional .zip files as shown in the image below:

Image 3: Example of an unpacked .zip file exported from Unicorn

containing all of the necessary files for parsing.

Current Limitations:

Below are known limitations of the connector. These limitations can be eliminated with your help! If you would like to see any additional functionality to this connector, or other connectors, please reach out to your Benchling representative and let them know you would like to see a specific feature(s) added to the connector! 


    1. Expected Inputs: The connect adapter expects the parameters below to be captured through the Unicorn software. If the information is not present, or the particular sensor associated with data capture is not active, the connector will not function.
      • UV1 and UV2 Absorbance Detector Input
      • Sample ID
      • Column Serial Number
      • Instrument Configuration Description
    2. Chromatograms are currently restricted to retention time; retention volume is not supported.

Steps within Benchling

From within Benchling, a user must:

  1. Enable the Unicorn software connector on the tenant.
  2. Configure a Unicorn Software Connection.
  3. Create a Result schema to structure the data to be recorded.
  4. Configure a Run schema to accept data from Unicorn software and record Results.

For steps 1 and 2, please reference the Benchling Connect Installation Guide for details related to creating and installing a Gateway and configuring a Connection.


Creation of Result schema for Unicorn Connector data

In order to record results returned via the integration a Result schema must be created. This can be done prior to configuration of the Run schema, or within the context of the Run schema Output File configuration. 

The Benchling Connect - Unicorn software  connector uses the Allotrope Simple Model (ASM) to structure the information parsed from the Unicorn software file export. The data is handled in a two-step process; Step one from Unicorn software export to the .json based ASM, and step two from the ASM .json to a .csv file available for ingest into Benchling. 

This data is structured using the Allotrope Liquid-Chromatography ASM data model. Details about this ASM schema can be found HERE.


The connector then converts the ASM to one of:

  • Injection File .csv - where each line corresponds to a LC injection
  • Data Cube File .csv - structured such that each row of the file represents a 2-dimensional data measurement (e.g. retention time x absorbance)
  • Peak Table File .csv - Information about the peaks that were captured from the UV1 (absorbance) detector

Output CSV files can contain the following, but may vary depending on the input file. The Data Cube File and Peak Table File also contains fields captured from the Injection File in addition to what is listed below.

Injection File Data Cube File Peak Table File
Analyst Data Cube Label Peak Identifier
Device Identifier Retention Time Peak Start
Product Manufacturer Absorbance - UV 1 Peak End
Device ID Absorbance - UV 2 Peak Height
Firmware Version Absorbance - UV 3 Peak Width
File Name Conduction Peak Area
UNC Path % Conductivity Relative Peak Area
ASM Converter Name pH Peak Width At Half Height
ASM Converter Version Concentration B Peak Asymmetry Factor
Column Serial Number Pre-Column Pressure Peak Resolution
Column Particle Size Sample Pressure Max Peak Retention
Column Chemistry Type System Pressure Percent of Total Area
Column Inner Diameter Post-Column Pressure Start Peak Endpoint Height
Device Type DeltaColumn Pressure End Peak Endpoint Height
Sample ID System Flow Sigma
Batch ID Sample Flow  Asymmetry Peak Start
Injection ID Sample Linear Flow Asymmetry Peak End
Injection Time Temperature Start Conductivity Height
Injection Volume   Max Conductivity Height
    End Conductivity Height
    Average Conductivity


Unicorn Connector Requirements

Item Specification
Unicorn Version Unicorn,,,*
Operating System Windows 10 or newer
Memory 8GB (per Cytiva Unicorn recommendations)
Processor Quad-core processor or 4 logical processor (per Cytiva Unicorn recommendations)
Gateway Benchling Gateway installed on PC, able to communicate on port 443

* This is the version of Unicorn with which the data connector has been developed and tested. The data connector may work with other versions of Unicorn, but that must be verified by the user. If you encounter issues, please inform your Benchling representative about your specific Unicorn version for potential support.


Revision History

Dec 4, 2024 - Initial Version

Jan 14, 2025 Update:

  • Removed Sample Injection Volume and Sample Injection Time from required fields.

  • Updated information about Peak Table addition

  • Updated Unicorn Version in Unicorn Connector Requirements

Jan 22, 2025 Update:

  • Added file contents description in table for the Peak Table File


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