Equipment Schemas

  • Updated

An equipment schema allows your team to model pieces of equipment in a way that allows the Benchling platform to treat pieces of equipment in a different manner than other entities in the Registry. In order to model equipment in Bioprocess as entity links, those entities must be equipment schemas. 

Equipment schemas are created from entity schemas in the same manner you would create any other entity schema. However, configuring an equipment schema also requires the creation of a model schema. 

Creating Model Schemas 

  1. Click your avatar and navigate to Registry Settings from the Feature settings menu
  2. Click create to create a new schema 
  3. Define the prefix and name of the schema, select Custom for entity type 
  4. Optionally configure entity fields 

    schema attributes model schema.gif

  5. Click the Next button when you've finished defining the schema attributes
  6. Add users, teams, organizations, or apps to the schema and define their access policies, once finished click the Create button to create the schema  

Creating Equipment Schemas 

  1. Click create to create a new schema 
  2. Define the prefix and name of the schema, select Custom for entity type
  3. Click the Configure as equipment check box 

    entity settings configure as equipment.gif

  4. Click the + icon next to Entity fields to configure the required entity fields. The fields (and their names) must be an exact match in order for the schema to be created: 
    • Model (required, entity link to a specific model schema) 
    • Serial number (required, text) 
    • Calibration due date (datetime) 

      required equipment entity fields.png

  5. Click the Next button when you've finished defining the schema attributes
  6. Add users, teams, organizations, or apps to the schema and define their access policies, once finished click the Create button to create the schema  


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