Unit Aware Fields

  • Updated


Data can now be stored as a numerical value with an associated unit, offering richer functionality and greater consistency when recording experimental data. Units can be configured on schema fields and new units can be added to a tenant by the Tenant Admin. More information on the Unit Dictionary and configuring schema can be found here. All users are able to view the available units in the Unit Dictionary.

Fields configured on schema fields that predated Unit Aware Fields (ex. those that have the unit in the Name of the field) will require updating the configuration to define the unit via the process described in this help article


Units in tables

When a unit has been defined on a schema field as the default unit (gram in the example below), and a value is entered in a different but compatible unit (milligrams), the cell will offer a converted value for you to confirm.


Audit logs

Export the audit logs for your unit dictionary by clicking the audit logs button in the top right of the Unit Dictionary.


Public API

View unit types and their units through the V2 public API:



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