Summary Table Columns

  • Updated


Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 11.52.57.png


This summary table does not take into account the day that has been specified in the options menu, and is instead a summary of the entire study. 

  • Mortality (Day of death)

Each Day is displayed with a count of how many animals had been marked as deceased on each day i.e. 40, 2D47, 49, 2D50, 51, 2D52, 55. 

Depending on the display day defined in summary table options this will either show the number of days post tracking date or post disease induction date until the date that the animal was marked as deceased. 

  • Median Day of Survival 

The median day of death for the group. 


Median Day of Survival = MEDIAN(DoD)

DoD = Day of Death 

    • Depending on the display day defined in summary table options this will either show the day post tracking date or the day post disease induction date for each animal. 
  • Min Day of survival 

The minimum day of death for the group. 


Min Day of Survival = MIN(DoD)

DoD = Day of Death   

    • Depending on the display day defined in summary table options this will either show the day post tracking date or the day post disease induction date for each animal. 
  • Max Day of survival 

The Maximum day of death for the group. 


Max Day of Survival = MAX(DoD)

DoD = Day of Death

    • Depending on the display day defined in summary table options this will either show the day post tracking date or the day post disease induction date for each animal. 
  • Increased life span (ILS) 

% ILS = (MDST - MDSC) / MDSC * 100

MDST = Median Day of Survival (treatment group)
MDSC = Median Day of Survival (Control group) 

    • Depending on the display day defined in summary table options, this will either show the day post tracking date or the day post disease induction date.  


This summary table does not take into account the day that has been specified in the options menu, and is instead a summary of the entire study. 


  • Mean body weight change at nadir

The mean of the greatest change in body weight from the day of nadir (Day of greatest decrease from tracking date). 


BW % Change at Nadir = (BW0 - BWN)/BW0 * 100

BW0 = Mean Body weight at day 0 (tracking date)
BWN = Mean Body weight at the day of nadir

  • Day of nadir 

The day on which there was the greatest decrease in body weight from the tracking date for that group. This is not impacted by specifying a day for this analysis. 

    • Depending on the display day defined in summary table options, this will either show the day post tracking date or the day post disease induction date.  
  • Day of Mean Weight recovery

The day that the mean body weight of the study group returned to or increased above the weight on the tracking date. 

  • Depending on the display day defined in summary table options, this will either show the day post tracking date or the day post disease induction date.  



  • Mean body weight change at nadir: See above

  • Day of nadir: See above

  • dT/dC (%)

The change in Treated group from the tracking date compared with the change in the Control group calculated using the summary statistic defined by the user. 


 dT/dC = (SS(TVday(t) - TV0(t)) / SS(TVday(c) - TV0(c)))*100

SS = Summary statistic: user defines either MEAN or MEDIAN in options

(t) = Treatment Group
(c) = Control Group
TV0 = Tumor Volume at day 0 (tracking date)
TVday = Tumor Volume at specified day


  • % of regression

% Regression = SS((TV0 - TVday)/(TV0) x 100)

SS = Summary statistic: user defines either MEAN or MEDIAN in options

TV0 = Tumor Volume at day 0 (tracking date)
TVday = Tumor Volume at specified day


  • Partial Regression

The number of animals in each group that meet the following criteria:

 TVmin < (TV0 / 2)

TV0 = Tumor Volume at day 0 (tracking date)
TVmin = Minimum Volume after the tracking date


  • Complete regression 

The number of animals in each group that meet the following criteria:

TVmin < 14mm3

TVmin = Minimum Volume after the tracking date


Efficacy Prophylactic

  • Tumor volume on tracking day

The tumor volume on the day defined in the summary table settings, calculated by applying the summary statistic selected (Mean or Median) for that group. 

  • dT/dC: see above

  • Time for tumor to reach target value 

The number of days taken for each group to reach the target value as defined in the options when setting up this summary table calculated using the summary statistic selected by the user. 



SS = Summary statistic: user defines either MEAN or MEDIAN in options

PV = Predetermined Volume
T = Treatment
J1 = Day before target
J2 = Day after target
TV = Tumor Volume
LR = Linear Regression
D = Day


  • T-C  

The difference in days for tumors to reach a defined volume between each treatment group and the control group. This is also known as Tumor growth delay



TTRT = Time for treatment group to reach target value 
TTRc = Time for Control group to reach target value


  • %T-C  

 This is also known as Percent Tumor growth delay


%T-C = (TTRT -TTRc)/TTR* 100

TTRT = Time for treatment group to reach target value 
TTRc = Time for Control group to reach target value

Additional Oncology Analyses

  • Fold change

This represents the average fold change from the tracking date for that group. 


FC = SS((TVday - TV0) / TV0)

SS = Summary statistic: user defines either MEAN or MEDIAN in options

TV0 = Tumor volume at day 0 (tracking date)
TVday = Tumor volume at specified day


  • Tumor Growth Inhibition (TGI) 

TGI = 100 - dT/dC

TGI = 100 - ((SS(TVday(t) - TV0(t)) / SS(TVday(c) - TV0(c)))*100)

SS = Summary statistic: user defines either MEAN or MEDIAN in options

(t) = Treatment Group
(c) = Control Group
TV0 = Tumor Volume at day 0 (tracking date)
TVday = Tumor Volume at specified day

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