In Vivo Analysis

  • Updated

This guide provides a step-by-step overview of the new Data Analysis feature in In Vivo, including updates to study design and the creation of summary tables for study group analysis.




When enabled, additional study data analysis is found in the graphs page of the study, including:

  • % inhibition and % dT/dC added to graphs

    • Group average and variation displayed in graphs and in the table below graphs

  • Ability to set a control group in Treatment groups

  • Ability to set a Disease induction date field on the animal from the animals table bulk actions.

  • Ability to generate summary tables with statistical analyses under the categories of survival, tolerance, efficacy, efficacy prophylactic, and oncology summary, see details of each summary table with relevant analysis below:


Before generating a summary table the following must be completed:

  1. Animals assigned to Treatment Groups

  2. Animals have tracking dates

  3. Control Group is set in the treatment groups page

Tracking Date vs. Disease Induction Date

  • When specifying a day from which the data will be used in summary table analysis, the user can choose between using the number of days from the tracking date or from the disease induction date.

  • Calculations: The tracking day 0 will be used as the initial value for which all comparisons are made even when disease induction date is used to specific the day for analysis.

  • Data Presentation: Days presented will depend on the chosen date setting.


  • Once the feature is enabled both Survival and Tolerance tables are available to all studies.

  • Oncology Specific Tables are only available for studies with "Tumor volume (mm³)" as a measurement. Contact support if these options are unavailable for relevant measurements.

How to use

Control Group Selection

    1. Navigate to the Treatment groups section.

    2. Create groups

    3. Select one group as the control group using the drop down menu below the table.

Note: Only one control group can be selected. If multiple control groups exist, specify which one should be used for analysis.


Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 11.19.50.png


Disease Induction Date

  • Purpose: To provide a reference point for analysis based on the number of days from disease induction rather than tracking date. This is simply used to define the day from which data will be used to compare to Day 0 (tracking date) In summary tables. Ie. Day 0 (tracking date) may refer to the same data from Day 12 from disease induction).

  • Steps:

    1. Select animals in the Study animals table

    2. Set a disease induction date via bulk action for the selected animals.

    3. Show disease induction date column on the animals table.

Read more

Analyses in Graphs

    1. Navigate to the graphs page.

    2. Group mean of Percentage change in delta T (treatment) over delta C (control) and percent inhibition for the disease are displayed under the graphs.

    3. Use options menu to chose mean % inhibition or dT/dC as Daily point plotting on graphs.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 11.19.41.png

Generate and Export Summary Tables

    1. Navigate to the analysis tab in the graphs section of your study.

    2. Select a summary table from the available options:

      • Survival: Relevant for all studies, based on when animals are marked as deceased.

      • Tolerance: Relevant for all studies, based on body weight only.

      • Efficacy: Specific to oncology tumor growth studies.

      • Efficacy Prophylactic: Additional calculations specific to oncology studies.

      • Oncology Summary: Comprehensive analysis for oncology studies.

    3. Choose the measurement and whether to use mean or median as the summary statistic.

    4. [Efficacy Prophylactic and oncology summary] Enter a target tumor volume if required.

    5. Specify the analysis day (e.g., x days from tracking date or disease induction date).

    6. Apply the settings to generate the corresponding summary table

    7. Use “Export” button to generate a excel export.

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 16.14.53.png

Summary Table Calculations


  • Mortality (Day of Death): Displays each day of death with a count of animals that died on that day.

  • Median Day of Survival: The median of days from tracking or disease induction date to the day of death.

  • Min/Max Day of Survival: The minimum and maximum days of survival from the tracking or disease induction date.

  • Increased Life Span (ILS): % ILS = (Treatment Median Day of Survival - Control Median Day of Survival) / Control Median Day of Survival * 100


  • Mean Body Weight Change at Nadir: The greatest change in body weight from the first measurement.

  • Day of Nadir: The day with the greatest mean decrease in body weight.

  • Recovery Days : Days taken for the mean body weight to return to or increase above the initial weight.


  • Mean Body Weight Change at Nadir & Day of Nadir: As described above.

  • dT/dC: Change in Treated group / Change in Control.

  • % of Regression, Partial Regression, Complete Regression: Based on tumor volume changes.

    • % Regression: % change in tumor volume on the specified day compared to day 0 (tracking date)

    • Partial regression: Number of animals in this group where the Tumor Vol. on specified day is less than half of the initial Tumor Vol (Day 0 - tracking date)

    • Complete regression: Number of animals in this group where the Tumor Vol. on specified day is less than 14 mm3

Efficacy Prophylactic

  • Tumor Volume on defined day: Tumor volume on the specified day.

  • dT/dC (%): Change in Treated group / Change in Control.

  • Time for Tumor to Reach Target Value: Number of days from tracking day until target tumor volume defined in the summary table settings was met.

  • T-C in Days and %T-C: Difference in Days for tumors to reach a defined volume between treated and control groups. This is also known as Tumor growth delay

Oncology Summary

  • Combines survival, tolerance, efficacy, and prophylactic metrics for comprehensive analysis.

  • Fold change: Fold change from tracking date for that group
  • Tumor growth inhibition (%) (TGI = 100 - (dT/dC))


Q: Do summary tables sync automatically with Benchling BioResearch tenants?

  • Summary Tables do not sync to Benchling BioResearch tenants. Export from In Vivo and import manually if required.

Q: What happens when measurements are excluded?

  • When measurements have been excluded, any analyses in summary tables will be updated to reflect this.

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