Introduction to Analysis Tables

  • Updated

Analysis Tables are the top-unit level of table data in an Analysis, although an Analysis can contain multiple Analysis Tables.


Unlike Insights dashboards, Analysis Tables can only be modified from within the Analysis, and do not live update with data from outside the Analysis.They provide a foundation to filter, transform, and prepare data for graphing, data analysis, and export.


Creating an Analysis Table

There are multiple ways to create analysis tables from data within or outside of Benchling:

Create an Analysis Table from an Insights query

Use an existing Insights SQL query to create an Analysis Table. This option is only available to Benchling users with Data Warehouse licenses.


  1. Navigate to the Analysis in which you would like to create your table
  2. Click the blue ‘+’ button next to Analysis Tables. For a new Analysis, you can also select the blue “Add analysis table” button in the Benchling workspace
  3. Select ‘From dashboard query’
  4. Select the dashboard and block you wish to import into your table; you may choose to rename the table at this time. The data table will preview on the right hand pane.
  5. Click ‘Add table’
  6. To chart or transform the data, create an Analysis View [link to Introduction to Views article]


Create an Analysis Table from a Registry schema

Use Registry and Result schema data to create an Analysis Table.


  1. Navigate to the Analysis in which you would like to create your table
  2. Click the blue ‘+’ button next to Analysis Tables. For a new Analysis, you can also select the blue “Add analysis table” button in the Benchling workspace
  3. Select ‘From Registry schema’
  4. Select a Registry schema to start from. This will pull all entities from the selected schema into the dataset. Apply filters to narrow down the entities that are pulled into the table.
  5. Select the columns to include in the table. Entity links on the schema can be expanded to allow linked schema data to be pulled into the table.
  6. Click Add Results to add Results that are recorded against entities in the selected Registry schema.
  • If there is more than one field on the Result schema that could link to the Registry schema, a dropdown will appear to specify which field of the Result schema that you want to join on.
  • Selecting ‘Only include latest results’ will pull the latest result captured per entity into the dataset, whereas ‘Include all results’ will include all result data captured against the entity
  1. To chart or transform the data, create an Analysis View [link to Introduction to Views article]


Notes about Registry schema tables:

  • Up to 50,000 rows of data can be created.
  • This method of table creation queries Benchling’s core database, and therefore does not have any sync latency
  • When multi-select fields or related results with >1 value are selected, the data is split across multiple rows. Linked data is joined via a “left join”. To re-aggregate data in downstream analyses, we recommend selecting the “id” column when needed.
  • The created table is a snapshot of the data returned from the executed query at table creation. The dataset does not update over time.


Create an Analysis Table from a CSV file

Upload data directly into the Analysis tool by creating a table from a CSV file.


  1. Select the blue plus button next to “Analysis Tables” in the left panel. For a new Analysis, you can also select the blue “Add analysis table” button in the Benchling workspace
  2. Select ‘From CSV’
  3. Under Upload CSV, select Choose a file or drag and drop your file. A pop-up window will appear to select a file for upload. The file must be in a CSV format.
  4. When a file is uploaded, a preview will appear on the right side of the screen, and the editable “Name table” field will automatically populate with the file name. 
  5. You can change the name of the Analysis Table from the default file name 
  6. Click the blue Add table button to create the Analysis Table
  7. To chart or transform the data, create an Analysis View [link to Introduction to Views article]


Create an Analysis Table by combining Analysis Tables

Join two Analysis Tables and/or Views to create a new Analysis Table.


  1. Select the blue plus button next to “Analysis Tables” in the left panel of your Analysis.
  2. Select ‘By combining tables’
  3. Select your desired tables within the Analysis and choose the join type you wish to use:

Left Join: Join all rows from the left table, matching rows from the right

Inner Join: Join only matching rows from both tables

Right Join: Join all rows from the right table, matching rows on the left

Full Join: Join all rows from both tables

Append: Merge rows based on the index, without join keys

  1. After selecting the desired join type, you will be prompted to choose the join keys that match columns between the tables. 
  2. After selecting your chosen join keys, Benchling will preview the created table on the right side of the workspace. Rename your new table as desired and click ‘Add table’. The table will be added to your Analysis and can be manipulated or create views like any other Analysis Table.

Create an Analysis Table by promoting an Analysis View

After manipulating data in an Analysis View, the data in that table can be promoted to an Analysis Table.


  1. Navigate to the Analysis
  2. Select the View that you want to promote
  3. Select the “...” icon in the top right corner of the View
  4. Choose “Promote view to table”

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