Using transformations and filters in Analysis

  • Updated



Transformations are the primary means to manipulate the data tables loaded into an Analysis. They can be added to Analysis Views and can perform a number of powerful functions. Current transformation options include:

Add computed column - Create a column with values defined by a combination of mathematical, statistical, logical, string, or datetime functions

Add window function column(s) - Apply a function over a subset of data

Aggregate table - Apply a mathematical aggregation function over a set of input values

Bin data - Divide numerical columns into a defined number of bins

Convert column formats - Change the data type of column to another type

Find and replace text - Change a defined string into a new value. Accepts strings or regular expressions

Hide columns - Changes the visibility of a column to hidden

Pivot table - Creates a table of grouped values from individual values

Rename columns - Changes the column header

Reorder columns - Changes the ordering of columns in a table

Sort columns  - Sorts a column in ascending or descending order

Unpivot table - Flattens a table, converting aggregated columns into rows


Analysis Filters

Users can add filters to Analysis Tables and Analysis Views (please see Introduction to Analysis Views for more information). 


There is a 1:1 relationship between a filter and a column in an Analysis Table or Analysis View. That means a column can only have one filter associated with it, but there can be multiple conditions associated with that filter. An Analysis View will inherit any filters applied to its parent Table, and can have additional filters applied at the View level.


If you would like to apply certain filters to multiple columns, you will need to apply separate filters to each column.


Filters are applied to the Analysis Table or Analysis View in the order that they are listed. To confirm the order in which filters and transforms are applied to your Analysis Tables and Views, please click the ‘View flowchart’ button in the top right corner of your Analysis.

Filter Conditions

Filter conditions define the criteria used in a filter to determine which data is displayed or hidden. Multiple filter conditions can be applied to a filter. 


If you would like to apply certain filter conditions to multiple columns, you will need to apply separate filters with those conditions to each column.


Available Filter Conditions

The Analysis Tool supports the following conditions for filters:

  • Text Column “TC” filter options
    • TC is null
    • TC is not null
    • TC equals text
    • TC does not equal text
    • TC contains text
    • TC does not contain text
    • TC starts with text
    • TC does not start with text
    • TC ends with text
    • TC does not end with text


  • Number Column “NC” filter options:
    • NC is null
    • NC is not null
    • NC equals #
    • NC does not equal #
    • NC is less than #
    • NC is more than #
    • NC is at most #
    • NC is at least #


Note:  if you created an Analysis Table via csv upload, your number columns might appear as text columns. Create an Analysis View, then use the “Convert column formats” transformation to convert the column from text to an integer or decimal format. Then you can apply the number-based filter options!

Adding Filters and Filter Conditions

Filters are applied to an Analysis Table or Analysis View in the order they are listed.


Managing Filters for an Analysis Table

When a filter is applied to an Analysis Table, the filter will propagate through all the Analysis Views nested under the source Analysis Table.


Adding a filter or filter conditions to an Analysis Table:

  1. Navigate to an Analysis and select the Analysis Table you want to filter
  2. Under the table title, click the blue ‘+ Add filter’ text
  3. Select the column to which you would like to apply the filter and select your filter conditions. You can only apply a single filter to each column and a single column can only be designated in a filter.
  4. To add additional filter conditions to the filter, click the blue ‘+ Add conditions’ button in the filter configuration modal and configure the filter condition 
  5. Click the ‘Apply’ button.


Editing a filter or filter conditions in an Analysis Table:

  1. Click into the desired filter listed under the Analysis Table title
  2. Modify the filter and filter conditions as needed
  3. Click the ‘Apply’ button to save changes


Removing a filter or filter conditions from an Analysis Table:

  1. To remove a filter from a column, click the ‘X’ button listed at the end of the filter.
  2. To remove a filter condition, click into the filter and click the trash can icon next to the filter condition you wish to remove. Click ‘Apply’


Managing Filters for an Analysis View


Adding a filter or filter conditions to an Analysis View:

  1. Navigate to an Analysis and select the Analysis View you want to filter
  2. Click the ‘Edit view’ icon in the top right corner of the view
  3. Click the blue ‘+’ icon next to Filters
  4. Select the column to which you would like to apply the filter and select your filter conditions. You can only apply a single filter to each column and a single column can only be designated in a filter.
  5. To add additional filter conditions to the filter, click the blue ‘+ Add conditions’ button in the filter configuration modal and configure the filter condition 
    1. Note: If multiple conditions are added to a filter, the Filter will still appear as one line item under “Filter” and it will assume the name of the first condition
  1. Click the ‘Apply’ button.


Editing a filter or filter conditions in an Analysis View:

  1. Click the ‘Edit view’ icon in the top right corner of the view
  2. Click the filter you want to edit
  3. Modify the filter and filter conditions as needed
  4. Click the ‘Apply’ button to save changes


Removing a filter or filter conditions from an Analysis View:

  1. To remove a filter from a column, click the ‘X’ button listed at the end of the filter.
  2. To remove a filter condition, click into the filter and click the trash can icon next to the filter condition you wish to remove. Click ‘Apply’


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