Associating Colors with RapID Tags

  • Updated

RapID Tags are color coded QR codes on ear tags that allow you to not only use a unique scannable ID system but also quickly identify an animal by eye with a human readable color. In Benchling In Vivo you cannot automatically pull the color out of the scanned code, this will be carried out manually using alternative ID fields offered in In vivo. In this article you will be able to follow simple steps to assign these IDs and to best practices for use across the In Vivo platform.

To assign both the color and the ID from RapID tagged animals follow the steps below:
  1. Select all animals and bulk assign the colors that you will be tagging the animals with across all of the cages in your study
  2. Open workflow and set the display ID as the field that the color was added to (ie. name/ear)
  3. Set the Scannable ID to the field that you will be scanning the Tag into (ie. Tag)
  4. Select "Assign identifiers when taking measurements" and set the ID field accordingly.
  5. Set after saving to "move to next animal"
  6. Select the first animal
  7. Scan the tag corresponding to this animal
  8. Record body weight
  9. Save and move to next animal
  10. Repeat steps 7-9
Alternatively if you are not recording body weight at the time of tagging, or choose to use the scanned code as the Animal name instead of "Tag" as the primary identifier, use the bulk action option to assign identifiers from the animal table.


Best practices:

  • To search for an animal by an ID other than the Name, use the dropdown beside the search bar to change the field that you are searching for.
  • To see both the name and an alternative ID in animals table, Data tables etc. Use the show menu to add this column to the table view.
  • Confirm the correct display and search ID fields in the workflow setup every time you open workflow for your data entry session.

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