When you have uploaded your data and assigned a recorded date, you will then need to tell Benchling In Vivo what is contained within the columns of your spreadsheet.
You will be presented with a series of boxes containing the headings from the first row and a preview of the first 3 animals in each. The software will attempt to automatically match these to a field in Benchling In Vivo; however, sometimes you may need to manually assign these.
When you are happy that everything is matched correctly, click the Confirm button to validate each data column. You can also choose to ignore columns if you do not want to import particular data.

Notifications will be displayed relating to the data in each column to the right of each selection. This will alert you if data already exists on the selected date and the percentage of rows that contain a value.
To associate the imported measurements to the correct animals one of the following actions is required:
Unique IDs: Map a column in the spreadsheet containing unique identifiers to the correct field in In vivo.
Repeated IDs: Map a column for cage and another column containing an ID (Name, tail, ear, tag or donor) to the correct fields in In Vivo.
This information is included in the import template file that can be exported from the import page of your study to streamline this field mapping step.