Study Design Cloning

  • Updated

With study design cloning, users can easily pull the design from a previously created study and reuse it for a new study, saving time and effort.

Note: only studies created after January 29th, 2024 can be cloned

Cloning a Study Design

To clone a study:

  1. Identify the particular study to be cloned on the studies page. 
  2. Click on the 3 dots on the right hand side of the row
  3. Select Clone Study

image (30).png

A new study draft will then be populated with all the information from the cloned study. Edits can be made to this specific study using the normal study creation process

Sections Included in the Cloned Study

The following sections of the study design are included in the newly cloned study: 

  • Description
  • Study code template
  • Project
  • Team
  • Groups and treatments
  • Preset
  • Alerts
  • Custom metadata 
  • Tasks 
    • Recurring and one off tasks will have the dates shifted by the number of days between the original study start date and today, if the new study start date is after today the user can amend these by either:
      • Manually changing the dates during study creation by clicking into each task, or, 
      • Creating the study and using the Shift dates bulk action to shift all date based tasks at one time from Study settings. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 12.07.35.png


Sections Not Included in the Cloned Study

The following sections of the study design are NOT included in the newly cloned study: 

  • Study name
  • Start date
  • Cages and Animals
  • Attachments
  • Benchling folder 

Updating Study Forms

If a form used to create a study is changed (i.e new field added, field removed or new validation applied) This will be reflected in the form when cloning a study. If a study form is deleted, then all studies created using that form will not be able to be cloned, as there must be a link to an active form to be able to clone a study. 

Permissions to Clone a Study

A user must have read access to a study in order to clone it and create a new study draft.

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