Creating a task
Tasks can now be seamlessly added during Study Creation or directly from the Study Settings area.
- Navigate to Tasks and click Add Task.
- Users can provide a concise title and description then click next.
- Assign the task to invited study members (optional - can be assigned at anytime)
- Specify the schedule
- Define the study groups to which the task applies.
- When complete, Click save
Enter a clear title and description
Note: In the future more Task "types" will be added to the dropdown that will allow for pre-defined workflow configuration and automated progress tracking for Measurement, samples, observations and dosing task types.
Select the team members that will be assigned to this group of tasks.
Note: This will apply to all of the tasks in this setup however if left unassigned individal tasks generated from this setup can be assigned to different team members individually
The schedule settings empower you to customize parameters, including recurring frequencies or conditions that automatically trigger task creation based on factors such as animal age or study tracking day. Additionally, you can define a date range for when the task commences and concludes.
Animal age (days)
Study day - calculated from the start date of the study whereby the start date refers to "Day 1"
Tracking day -calculated from the tracking date of each animal to support staggered designs whereby the tracking date the that animal's " Day 0 "
Complete this setup for every task group in your study design.
Rescheduling study tasks
If a study needs to be pushed back a matter or days, weeks or even months. Your tasks can be amended very easily to reflect this.
Recurring tasks
All recurring tasks can be shifted by the number of days/weeks using a bulk action from the tasks overview table in study settings.
Conditional tasks
tasks created on study day or tracking day will update automatically upon change the study start date and animal tracking dates respectively.