Set up Treatment Groups

  • Updated

Creating and managing Treatment groups is a crucial component of every study. This can be done easily in to ensure that all of the required information is captured.

Create and configure Groups and Treatments when you are creating a study or from the Treatment groups section of your study.

Click "Add Treatment groups" to get started.

Each row is a different study group and each column is a different piece of information about the study group. Fill in all the information for your treatment groups and Click Save.

Click on the Treatments tab heading to move to the treatment section.

Create a new treatment by clicking "Add a treatment"

Select the Treatment name and appropriate dosing method and then fill in all relevant information about the treatment dose before clicking "Add treatment"

Click on the Configuration tab heading to move to the next step where you can assign treatments to your groups.

Click on a group and then select the treatments to be assigned to that group.

Note: These treatments are now displayed in the Groups table with more information accessed by clicking on the treatment name.

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