How to export data
From the Study dashboard:
Choose the study you would like to export
Click Export from the study menu on the left-hand side
Select the types of reports you would like to generate
Click Download now or Send to your email address
If you see an error message when using the "download now" button this may be because the file is too large for direct download, in this case please use the "send to you email address" option instead.
Available file types
Raw study data (.xlsx)
An export of all animals and their measurements organized by date rather than study day.
Study group export (.xlsx)
A comprehensive export of study groups including absolute and relative values.
To use this export animals must be in study groups and have tracking dates assigned to that the data can be collated and reported for each study day.
Prism report (.pzfx)
A comprehensive export of study groups including absolute and relative values that can be opened directly in GraphPad Prism.
Study dosing (.xlsx)
An export of study dosing including study groups and treatments reported for each study day in one tab and by date in a second tab.
Audit Log
After clicking "Generate audit log" you will receive an email informing you that than audit log file is available in the attachments section of this study. This audit log export is downloaded as an xlxs. file containing details of every measurement, sample, dose or observation that has been created, edited or deleted. In addition change of animal living status will also be included in this audit log.
If available a reason for change will be displayed in in the audit Log, if you would like the ability to define a reason for change enabled or disabled contact with this request.