User Interface

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Understand the general overview of the Benchling In Vivo interface

Global navigation

Every page in Benchling In Vivo contains the Global navigation bar: a section which contains major areas within the software, including:

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Studies: each study you have created or been invited to

Colony: a comprehensive list of animals and cages available to your lab

Samples: each sample collected across every study

Tasks: a list of tasks generated by and for your team

Reviews: a section for reviewing the approval of studies
Requests: a section for keeping track of requests to perform certain actions related to assigned studies

Create a new study: a shortcut to quickly create a new study from anywhere

Manage team: an area for team administrators to configure their settings

Account: Personalized settings including your name and timezone

Message Support: contact the Benchling In Vivo any time to get even more help

Devices: connect devices and map these to fields in your study

Help: a list of articles to guide you on using Benchling In Vivo

Log out

Study navigation

When you load a study, the Study navigation will also appear, which offers study-specific sections:

Overview: a brief outline of the most important features in the study

Schedule: a timeline of all study tasks

Animals: a configurable table detailing each animal in the study

Cages: an interactive overview of each cage and the animals contained within (add animals to your study here) 

Graphs: graphs automatically generated from measurements entered elsewhere

Workflow: a quick and easy way to enter measurements, samples and observations

Treatment groups: visualize your treatment groups and any associated metadata

Attachments: upload relevant files to your study

Samples: record samples against animals in your study

Observations: record observations against animals in your study

Data tables: capture and visualize data in a tabular form

Import: upload measurements to In Vivo from elsewhere

Export: download your study data in multiple formats

Settings: configure the study to your requirements

Collapse: minimize the Study navigation bar to give more space to other information

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