Review Import

  • Updated

After matching your columns, you can advance to the Review Import screen. This will show a summary of the data to be imported into Benchling In Vivo.


At this stage, we will flag errors and warnings.


Errors occur if:

  • The animal ID does not exist in the specified Cage.

  • The animal ID or cage ID do not not exist in the study.

  • Duplicate IDs have been used within the same Cage.

  • Mistakes in the data (for example text in a number field).


Importantly, rows containing errors will not be imported to Benchling In Vivo.


Warnings occur if:

  • There were empty fields in your spreadsheet.

  • Data has already been entered for the metric on that day.

Rows containing warnings can still be imported to Benchling In Vivo.


Note: If data has previously been entered it will be overwritten with the new value.


Import your data

Finally, you will be presented with a review containing the number of rows to be imported, number of rows to be ignored and total warnings.


Click Import Data and everything will be uploaded to Benchling In Vivo.

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