Create a Task template
- In the blue navigation bar, click on the Tasks icon.
- Select templates in the grey navigation bar and click Add New Template.
- Enter your template name.
- Type the description of your first task and select the task type:
- Recurring Task - A task that is performed in a recurring pattern (for example, every Tuesday).
Conditional Task - A task that is performed when an animal reaches a particular milestone (for example, a certain age or study day). Age is calculated from each animal's date of birth; Study day is calculated from the Study start date (assigned when creating a study or in study settings); and Tracking day is calculated from each animal's tracking date.
- Enter the relevant task information (frequency, condition etc) and click Add another task to progress.
- Continue to add all of your tasks and click Save template when complete.
Note: Task templates can also be generated when creating a study.
Assign a Task template
Option 1
- When creating a new study, section F of the creation form is dedicated to task management.
- If you have previously created a task template, simply select it using the Dropdown menu and assign your study start date.
- If you have not yet created the template, click the Add a new template button and follow the steps above. Once saved, the template will display in the Dropdown menu.
Option 2
- If you need to assign a Task template to a study that already exists, click on the Settings button in the grey navigation bar (you need to be in the study to see this navigation bar).
- Click on Task management and select your template using the Dropdown menu.
Update a Task template
- If assigned to a study, task templates are locked and can't be edited.
- To unlock a task template, either remove the template from your study in the study settings or archive the study once complete. If a task template is removed from a study, all future tasks (beyond the current day) relating to the template will be deleted. Previous tasks will remain.
- If a template is unlocked you can edit the content by clicking on the template name within the Task management feature.
Update tasks
- After assigning a task template to your study, tasks will automatically be generated on the appropriate dates.
- Click on the task to update the assignee and task status.
- If the task is conditional, a list of animals meeting the condition will be displayed.
Create individual tasks
- If you need to create tasks on an individual basis, this can be done by clicking the Add task button on the top right of the Tasks screen.
- Select the applicable study, enter the task description and select the completion date to create the task.