Collecting Samples

  • Updated

From the Animal Profile:

Click the Samples tab. The number of samples already collected from the animal will be displayed beside the title.

Selecting Auto-generate sample IDs will generate a unique numerical ID that increments with each collected sample

  • Click the "Collect new sample" link.
  • Choose the date on which the sample was collected
  • Type the sample into the search bar or select it from the list
  • Click Collect samples

Each of the samples you selected will appear in a list on the left hand side, allowing you to enter values for each metric and metadata field and add any additional comments to the sample.

Moving from one sample type to the next saves the current sample which is marked as created at the time of pressing the "Save and Next" button. To edit the time or any other detail about the sample, click on the relevant sample on the left hand panel and make changes, click "Save and Next" again to save these changes and move to the next sample.

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When all samples are complete click "Save and Close". Samples can be edited using the Actions menu at any time.

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