To view measurements in graphs, the following steps must be completed:
Animals must be assigned to groups
Animals must have measurements recorded
Animals must have a valid tracking date
Finally: Ensure that you have selected the correct metric to view in the graphs page.
Continue reading for more details on each of these items.
Animals must be assigned to groups
Note: You can add animals to groups manually or through Randomization

2. Animals must have measurements recorded
Note: You can add measurements using workflow, from individual animal profiles or through bulk import.

3. Animals must have a tracking date on or before the first measurement to be graphed (This date is Day 0 for this animal)
To assign a tracking date in bulk:
Select animals in the animals table
Use the bulk action option for set tracking date
select a tracking date on or before the first measurement to be graphed.

Finally: Ensure that you have selected the correct metric to view in the graphs page.
Use the dropdown menu below the graph tabs to change the metric being displayed.
You can also change which groups are displayed using the "groups" menu or by clicking on the group name in the Legend below the graph.