As your study progresses and you enter measurements into Benchling In Vivo, your study graphs will be automatically created and updated in real-time. For these graphs to work properly, there are three pre-requisites:
Animals must be randomized or manually assigned to treatment groups.
Animals must have a tracking date.
Animals must have measurements recorded on or after the tracking date.
Check out this article if you you need to troubleshoot when your graphs appear empty.
Navigating graphs
There are four graph types available in Benching in vivo
- This is a group summary over the study ranging from the earliest tracking date to the date of the most recent measurement and variation. All raw values for each measurement are displayed in the table below.
- This graph shows a group comparison of a defined study day whereby the tracking date for each animal is Day 0.
- this graph consists of a single line for each animal displayed as the group color to display group trends and outliers.
- This Kaplan-Meier survival curve from the earliest tracking date until the current day. This graph is generated based on the date that the animal was marked as deceased.
Graph options
On the top right corner of the graph you will see an button reading "Options" above this there is a dropdown with the word "Absolute", use this dropdown to toggle between graphing raw values (Absolute) data normalized to Day 0 whereby Day 0 is 100% (Relative) or percentage change from Day 0 whereby Day 0 is 0% (% Change)
Additional options include:
- Y-axis scale
- Daily point plotting
- Variation display
- Options displayed when Daily point plotted is Mean, these options are not available for the other point plotting options.
- When Median is selected as the daily point plotted the variation is the MAD.
- Download as image
Points to note:
- You can zoom in on a graph by clicking and dragging over an area of interest
- Double clicking will reset to the default axis ranges.
- The graph lines are colored based on group colors, go to Treatment groups to change these colors.
- To remove groups of animals from the graph using the groups dropdown menu or click on the name of the groups in the graph legend to hide.
- Clicking on a data point and clicking "submit changes' will exclude that data point from graphs and summary statistics.
If configured for your organisation, to the right of the graphs option you will see a tab called "Analysis" Here you can create summary tables with grouped statistics providing you have defined the control group under Treatment groups and animals have been assigned to groups.