Assigning Animals to Groups

  • Updated

Randomize to Groups 

From the Animals table in your study:

  • Select all of the animals you wish to put into a group by clicking the check box to the left of each
  • Click the Bulk actions button
  • Click Randomize to Groups 


Bulk Add to Group (manual)

From the Animals table in your study:

  • Select all of the animals you wish to put into a group by clicking the check box to the left of each

  • Click the Bulk actions button

  • Select Add to group (manual)

You will then see a list of available groups to manually assign the animal(s) to. The number to the right is how many animals are currently assigned to the group.

Assign an Animal to a Group (from animal profile)

From the Animal Profile:

  • Click the Actions button in the top right-hand corner

  • Select Assign to group

Available groups will be shown in a window. The number of animals currently in the group is displayed to the right of the group name.





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