From the animals table in a study you can move cages of animals to another study using a Bulk action. When a cage of animals is transferred to another study, the animal details, metadata, measurements, observations and samples are retained. all doses, tracking dates and alerts will be deleted.
When moving animals to a new study an entire cage is removed from the original study and added to the new study. To move individual animals, recage these manually in the cages section or automatically using group recaging in advance.
Note: This feature must be enabled for each tenant, if you cannot see this option in the menu, please contact us to have this added for your organization.
Follow these steps to move cages of animals:
In the animals table select the animals from the cages that will be transferred.
Open the Bulk actions menu and click "Move to another study" (If you cannot see this option please contact us to have this added.)
Confirm that the correct cages and animals have been selected.
NOTE: If there are animals that shouldn't be in this list, you need to move these animals into new cages that are not being transferred.
Select the Study that these cages will be moved into.
NOTE: Only studies using the same Preset are compatible for cages to be transferred between.
4. These animals will now be accessible in the new study along with their measurements, observations and samples.