Managing User accounts

  • Updated

After accessing Team Settings:

A table of user accounts will appear in Manage Team. To perform actions on one or multiple accounts, click the check box beside each of the required names. The Actions button will now become available with the following options:

  • Activate

  • Suspend

  • Resend invitation

  • Revoke invitation

  • Change user role

Information can be sorted by clicking the title in each column of the table.


Onboarding users

To invite new users to your team so that they can sign in using email and password, click the Invite Users button at the top right of your screen. Simply enter their email address and click Send. Multiple invites can be sent at the same time by clicking Add another after entering the first email address.

For SSO access, ensure that SSO has been enabled and configured correctly. Use your SSO provider to access Benchling In Vivo instead of the Benchling In Vivo log in page. The first time you click on the SSO application or relevant login URL your account will be created automatically.


Off-boarding users

A user must have a member role to be suspended from Benchling In Vivo, for administrators first change their role to member and then suspend the account. Please ensure before you suspend users that all of their studies have been assigned at least one other user with write access to be able to manage this study.

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