Configuring routers within a flowchart

  • Updated

Use routers to define custom logic and control mappings for inputs and outputs of your workflow tasks. You can also create more efficient and accurate workflows by eliminating manual adjustments. 

Routers are currently best suited to support the following flowchart use-cases:

  • Core variants: When a flowchart is configured to have several discrete “paths” that users select based on specific criteria, such as sample type or sequencing method.
  • Assay panels: When a requester has a set of samples that need to undergo a series of analytical tests, and each sample may require a different subset of tests.

Getting started

After the Task Schemas and Transitions tabs of the flowchart configuration section in your flowchart Task schema are complete, you can add routers to the flowchart template.

Add routers in Flowchart Editor

To add a router:

  1. Click the pencil icon of your template flowchart to open the window.
  2. Drag and drop Task schemas from the right-side panel onto the canvas.
  3. Drag a diamond-shaped router node from the right-side panel onto the canvas to create connections between Task schema nodes.
  4. Open the router node's configuration window to set up rules for each connected edge.
  5. Complete the selections in the router editor:
    • The field to be mapped between source and target tasks, like assay type
    • Operator conditions for multi-select and dropdown fields
    • Lookup value(s), like dropdown options from a mapped field
    • Routing path, or target task
    • Edit the name(s) of the router nodes and results (optional)
    • Note: At this time, routers only support mapping field(s) from a source task to target task via a dropdown field.
  6. Create Rules for all target tasks that are outgoing edges from the router and for “All other cases”
  7. Select the appropriate operator and value for each rule based on the lookup.
  8. Click Save to submit changes to the template flowchart, then click Save to submit changes to the flowchart configuration.

Router node validation

The router node must meet the following criteria:

  • It has only one incoming edge
  • It has at least two outgoing edges
  • There is a corresponding schema mapper for each edge between two task nodes 
  • The router node is not connected to another router node
  • A Task schema node only has one incoming router node
  • A single outgoing edge cannot have more than one rule applied
  • One edge must be designated as in all other cases


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