Creating datasets from a dashboard query

  • Updated

Use an existing dashboard SQL query to create a dataset. Visit Creating an analysis for information on creating a new Analysis.

Note: This feature is currently in limited availability. If you don’t have access to the new analysis feature, contact Customer Support to request access.

Create a dataset

This method of creating a dataset is only available to users with Benchling Warehouse licenses.

  1. Click Add dataset in the main view.
  2. Select the From dashboard query option in the menu.
  3. Select the dashboard and block that you want to create a dataset from.
    • If the dashboard includes parameters, you can specify the parameters as well.
  4. Name the dataset and click Add dataset.

Additional notes

  • Up to 50,000 rows of data can be created.
  • Note that this executes the SQL query from the dashboard block against the Benchling Warehouse, which may have up to a 24 hour sync latency.
  • The created dataset is a snapshot of the data returned from the executed query. The dataset does not update over time.

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